Tarot of the Longest Dream


Crafted by the renowned artist Roberto Innocenti, this tarot deck presents a fresh perspective on the iconic Rider-Waite-Smith tarot. Innocenti's meticulous and captivating style infuses new vitality into these timeless images, incorporating majestic mountains, realistic stonework, and unique characters that deepen their significance. Each card encourages extended contemplation, unveiling greater intricacies with prolonged observation. Accompanying this visually striking deck is a detailed guide by Rachel Paul, delving into the symbolism of each card and providing insights into tarot's role in self-discovery, reflection, and decision-making.

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Crafted by the renowned artist Roberto Innocenti, this tarot deck presents a fresh perspective on the iconic Rider-Waite-Smith tarot. Innocenti's meticulous and captivating style infuses new vitality into these timeless images, incorporating majestic mountains, realistic stonework, and unique characters that deepen their significance. Each card encourages extended contemplation, unveiling greater intricacies with prolonged observation. Accompanying this visually striking deck is a detailed guide by Rachel Paul, delving into the symbolism of each card and providing insights into tarot's role in self-discovery, reflection, and decision-making.

Crafted by the renowned artist Roberto Innocenti, this tarot deck presents a fresh perspective on the iconic Rider-Waite-Smith tarot. Innocenti's meticulous and captivating style infuses new vitality into these timeless images, incorporating majestic mountains, realistic stonework, and unique characters that deepen their significance. Each card encourages extended contemplation, unveiling greater intricacies with prolonged observation. Accompanying this visually striking deck is a detailed guide by Rachel Paul, delving into the symbolism of each card and providing insights into tarot's role in self-discovery, reflection, and decision-making.